Over View
REMBRANDT 3D has developed an IN-House Content Conversion Suite of tools as a key support for 3D AS3D applications.. These Tools are comprised of Rembrandt 3D proprietary IP (Patent Pending) Modules, Rembrandt 3D software and off the shelf hardware /software products.
By integrating these tools with Rembrandt 3D trade secret know how and our In House software we improve the efficiency and performance of our conversion tools. Consequently we are able to achieve a Broadcast Quality level of 3D image excellence for converting 2D video into high quality 3D Stereoscopic content for small screen viewing, at a fraction of conventional costs.
Advantage of the 2D Plus Depth Tools
Excerpt from Philips
– Easy and efficient to create content
– Only create the content once
– No need to pre-render content on the PC in multiple views
– Once content is created it is suitable for any display
• 3D Content Distribution
• (add the Bit rate graphic to illustrate this from the YOU send it)
– easy and low cost distribution of 3D content
– 2D-plus-Depth only adds 10% to the bandwidth
• 3D Content Visualization
– Easy and flexible to optimize the 3D viewing experience
– 3D parameters (e.g. depth and depth offset) can be changed on-the-fly
– Online rendering on the display
– No need to re-render content when applying parameter changes
– No need to modify and re-distribute the content
• 2D-plus-Depth is a future proof format: no need for re-rendering if displays come with more views
2D to 3D Stereoscopic (With Glasses)
The R3D conversion process for the 3D market, allows Rembrandt 3D to utilize computer automation, rather than extensive manual labor, making the conversion process faster and less expensive than the competition.
From 2D to Auto-Stereo 3D (without glasses)
Using proprietary technology and know-how Rembrandt 3D can convert any existing content to be shown on its 3D displays, making an easy transition for any content owner who wants to show their content in 3D in public venues.