@ Fallingwater House
“Ken Love remarked, “the translation of Fallingwater as a 3 dimensional work of Art, into a stereoscopic 3D image on a glasses free AS3d screen, required a balancing art and science to capture the image realism conveyed by the Rembrandt 3D Maestro ™ 4K AS3D TV. The results were amazing.”Ken Love, Fallingwater House
“Ken Love’s 3D Pilot exceeded all expectations. The presentation on the 42” Rembrandt 3DTV, glasses‐free LCD monitor really impressed us with its depth image quality and its adherence to Wright’s vision of architecture as a 3D visual experience.”She went on to say, “We are delighted with Love’s artistic treatment of Fallingwater, and we are exploring a number of possible applications for the Rembrandt AS3D technology at our site, including a glasses‐free video tour specially produced for the handicapped.”Lynda Waggoner, Fallingwater’s Director and Vice President of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
“seeing Fallingwater in 3D without glasses, without eye strain or artifacts on the Rembrandt 3D TV was quite amazing. She went on to say,”The viewer response to the 3D has been overwhelming positive. Visitors are consistently surprised at the clarity of the picture and the perception of depth that is achieved. I feel privileged to have been involved in this project in making it available to the public.”Maureen Zang, Public Programs Coordinator for the Westmoreland Museum
@ AIA (American Institute of Architects)
At the presentation, enthusiastic observers made the following remarks upon viewing the Ken Love film, ‘Fallingwater in 3D’ on the Rembrandt 3D auto stereoscopic 3DTV.
“Fallingwater. seeing it on the Rembrandt 3D monitor seems like the next best thing to being there.”Nicole Pesce, Development Coordinator for AIA/NY
“I’ve been to Fallingwater half a dozen times, this technology is really amazing, and it really captures the feel of walking around the building in 3 dimensions. It will be fantastic for folks that can’t get to the building and
see it.”Ted Goodman, Avery Library
“One has a sense of the building in a completely fresh and new
way,and, oh… those cantilevers which they worked on so hard, with the cracks in
them, they look fantastic in 3d. I have never seen 3DTV like this before.”Roberta Sillman
“As a former Architect and now Painter, I am
amazed at the realism and depth quality of the Rembrandt 3DTV. This is the first 3D I’ve
seen that feels totally natural. The fact that I am seeing it without those horrible
glasses, tells me that this 3D is really ” ready for Prime time.
“Jon D’orazio, New York Artist
@ AAM (American Association of Museums)
“We invited Rembrandt 3D to our booth at AAM because an earlier generation of its technology won a shootout to become the delivery platform for our 3D computer-animated production for the Annenberg Retreat at Sunnylands. It has been a standout success for us with a great client that demanded best-in-class technology in everything we created for them. When we first saw it, and certainly now in this new generation, this is simply the most advanced AS3D we’ve seen. We’ve been delighted to introduce it to the museum community we serve.”Al Hillmann
@ 3D Summit LA, 2012
“DaVinci came through under extremely tight deadlines and got a great ovation
from 2500 eye doctors. The clip was a hit.”Mr. Chabin
“I’ve worked closely with the DaVinci 3D TV platform and the 3D image quality is without peer. They clearly have the only picture which is Consumer market ready. It has no artifacts, no discomfort and it looks and acts like a real TV. “Anthony Vazquez, President of LA based Sol Nine Productions